Shelter In Place: What Im Watching During Lockdown
How are you doing? At home here in CT today and elsewhere in the US , we are nesting and practicing social distancing for the best of our society and trying to figure out the best stay at home practices during the lockdown.
Here’s what I’m reading, cooking for my family, watching, listening, and the daily rituals I am using to keep my head in a good place of lately… .
I’m listening to “THE DAILY” NYTimes podcast. some great interviews:
“ A Conversation With Dr. Anthony Fauci “some of the best information on the conv19 last week and what supplies does he have on reserve at home?
“ The Next Year (or Two) of the Pandemic”
Introducing “ Rabbit Hole”
I am listening to music through the free subscription on PANDORA. Every night when I start dinner I que up the music, and playlist via Pandora, because I’m a terrible DJ, and I get bored with the same music over and over. That’s why this automated DJ based on my preferences is perfect for me.
My favorite pandora station lately is “Ray LaMontagne Radio“ with a great mixture of Two Feet, Van Morrison, Neil Young, Black Mambo, Chris Stapleton, and my fave Grammatik.
Dancing makes me happy. It’s my way of fighting my anxiety . Yes, I’m usually in the kitchen with my little BOSE speaker that I love turned up, and it decompresses me and provides some joy. Try to dance more often. Go ahead, don’t worry,no one will see you in your kitchen.
DJ MORALES goes live every Day on FB! I’ve been listening to the playbacks when working. Its a little bit of NYC Club music with good vibes always.
Netflix of course, and a few Amazon Prime shows. ( not a subscriber? no worries, the first 30 days are free ) This is my personal list of documentaries and series:
What I recommend
“COWSPIRACY” ( what is the best way to conserve water and why isn’t anyone telling us? )
“THE GREAT HACK “ Information technology and what you don’t know. OMG , I thought I knew what happened in 2016, yet this was such an eye opener. do you know who Cambridge Analytica is and what they did? Find out,
“The Sacrifice” and “The Push”. LMK what you think.
“Modern Masters Eero Saarinen “ This was a pbs special that is now available on Amazon Prime.
“ Shitts Creek” after a lot of TED Talks, this funny sitcom series is a fun evening diversion. ( So excited, Season 6 just dropped! ) I enjoy this show for some comedic relief that is much needed these days.
“Ugly Delicious” this along with the “Chefs Table”, that taught me more about the curse and the beauty of being an outlier.
”ABSTRACT, the art of design” you will meet six of the world’s most famous artists.
THE GAME CHANGERS : documentary streaming now. My son Cory, the athlete, recommended this and I am so glad we watched it. Always looking to understand the best healthy eating for my family, and I the FOODIE, learned a few things I thought I knew already. It was eye opening.
“THE MORNING SHOW ” movie: The tragedy of FOX News.
“OZARK” : television series avail on netflix, highly addictive. A new season (2020) is about to launch.
“Tiger King” : This is the show, everyone is talking about during Quarantine movie watching. It seems like a mockumentary, but it’s all real.
“ The Secret” ( excellent. Bill Harris : this will help you in your pursuit of daily gratitude and happiness)
“Fork Over Knives” very interesting, changed my life and my relationship with food.
“Parasite” : Best picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay of 2019 has just launched on HULU in April and was fabulous! (foreign film) Hulu is free for the first month, so you can stream some of your other faves this May. Add to the list: The Handmaid’s Tale!
“ Two Popes” The Kaminsky Method (series) ,
UNORTHODOX , her: very well done , Shtisel , ONE OF US him: new insight to the tragedy
Oldies, but goodies: (series) BLOODLINE , Longmire
WHAT IF , You’re Dead To Me, 7 Days Out: Chanel
Some of my favorites are:
Dr. Eric Berg is sharing often and full of great information. It’s like a weekly class on health. How to bulletproof your immune system.?
Mark Hyman, MD: The Doctors FARMACY
On YT a Bill Harris Interview here: The idea of Holosync as per a recommendation by Robert Kiyosaki “ Rich Dad, Poor Dad”
Welcome to DesignTV by SANDOW, a brand initiative aimed at exploring today’s climate of working remotely.
Join brand leaders from Luxe Interiors + Design, InteriorDesign, Metropolis, Galerie and ThinkLab as they foster conversation and connection with industry luminaries and the global design community at large on Facebook Live.
Something is happening here,its called collaboration, and the result is a fabulous show, with great hosts and guests 4x a week! This ia a wonderful collaboration between all my favorite magazines.
This collaboration is the sign of the times going forward, and a show that I think will have staying power.
Watch it. let me know if you agree. Oh, and Cindy Allen, Go Girl ! You shine with your generosity and willingness to to engage, This show has staying power.
“Every path that goes astray, a new path appears.”
“Up from the ashes, grow the roses of success.” - chitty chitty bang bang
NY TIMES ONLINE I’m sure you agree about the importance of real journalism these days.
I am reading every magazine on my coffee table !!!
Books on my bedside table: Liver Rescue, Scattered but Smart Teenagers, and some that i may get too. Not sure.
Yoga, Healthy Food, and Laughter:
YOGA and PILATES ONLINE: every day. In addition to getting outside for a walk, I am working to keep yoga or pilates in my daily schedule. I have the time, so I need to embrace it. Healthy body, healthy mind. I subscribed to these services after trying them out for 30 days.
YS Deep Core Strength ( pictured above) 30 day free trial! Im hooked.
From Down Under: Retro Sweat: to Los Angeles: OPEN FIT. Expert advice and classes to help you crush it!
Keeping burnout at bay with healthy habits. While we are feeling anxious and thinking we could probably use a retreat right now, we know that is not possible. ? So choosing other ways to relax is super important these days and we distance ourselves from our “ normal ” into the “ new normal”.
CALL someone everyday to say hi, I love you. This may be the day they need to hear that.
SLEEP is a priority. I am paying attention to the importance of sleep and keeping to a schedule.
MEDITATE: The benefits of meditation include increased focus, reduced stress, and better sleep. Ha! I am trying to meditate because I want all those benefits.
I know that meditating will help me ease into a mindfulness practice and I am usings a few meditation apps,
Headspace app: perfect for beginners or season mediators looking to get back into practice. The annual price is $70, but you get the first month free to try out and experience the benefits of meditation anytime, anywhere. I love the gentle reminders along with the guided meditations animations, articles and videos. Every day is unique and customized to me. Great app.
HoloSync: Sometimes I will also play a holosync collection in the background when meditating every now and then. The music in the background is believed to bring you to a higher mental clear when listening to holosync, and I feel it. I learned this from Robert Kiyosaki, author of “ Rich Dad, Poor Dad”
I also enter “ Brain Synchronization” into Pandora for the right sounds too. Having this music in the background allows me to get into meditation easier…
It’s hard to feed 5 people daily, 3 meals a day, but I am taking the challenge seriously as my opportunity to feed my family good nutritious food every day. It’s my small way or caring for them.
My family and I are super excited to get my delivery of DAILY HARVEST last week. I have been getting this food delivery of smoothies, soups, and bowls to make sure everyone has access to delicious and healthy snacks and meals at any moment.
GET 25% OFF : I would love if you used this link on your first purchase You save $25 and I save $25 for the referral. Win Win
Simplify your dinner and reduce your trips to the Market. We love the easy prep and meal combinations.
Mommy Juice: Empathy Wine. Straight out of Sonoma County, California
The traditional Easter bonnets are now consider to be so pre-COVID-19. Instead models were seen wearing the latest in Easter themed facial masks. via Maureen Winterhager on instagram
Washable Face Masks and More on ETSY!
Support and artist and buy some supplies here, I have curated lists on Etsy, and this is one I put together for you, “Shelter In Place” .
Keeping our House Cleaner in 2020 ( recipe and save money)
We are paying closet attention to disinfecting areas where there can be large numbers of household germs. Consider common areas and the possibility that these germs could be spread to others. Here are some areas to add to your list for cleaning often: doorknobs, faucet handles, toilet flushers, bathrooms, phones, keyboards, remote controls, countertops, and tables. Keeping your hard surfaces clean is essential during this virus pandemic. Here is an easy way to keep the cleaning as convenient as possible.
Here is what you need to keep things clean and disinfected:
A roll of paper towels
Plastic cleaning container for wipes
Here’s how to make disinfecting surface wipes:
Take 1 roll of paper towels, ½ cup of Clorox (or any bleach), 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap, and 1 gallon of water.
Add bleach and dish soap to water; stir well.
Cut paper towel roll to fit into the desired container.
Pour enough solution over paper towel roll to fully absorb (2-4 cups).
Remove the cardboard center from paper towel roll.
Pull pieces of paper towel (wipes) from the center hole of the roll.
Cover surface; allow to sit for 5 full minutes.
Wipe with a wet cloth; air dry.
This will save you money on wipes that you can’t find in the stores during this time.
Life as we know it is changing. 2020 = RESTART < RECALIBRATE<
What do you feel is your new view? Who or what has the most volume in your head?
I hope you enjoyed these thoughts and observations of the moment. I would love to have you tell me about what you are watching, listening too or reading to get you through this time.
Let me know I can help you? What are you looking to know more about? What resources do you need or what is frustrating you right now in your home that I can help you with in decor and design? Please let me know. [email protected]
xoxoxo Deborah
Now it’s time for our reader appreciation giveaway! Sara and I are giving away (3 )books to (3) lucky readers. “Finding Fabulous” is a beautiful book. Sara Noble’s talents are showcased in a variety of styles. I love her personal connection to each client as well as her ability to combine her design expertise with the client’s taste. Whether purchasing this book for yourself or a friend, the reader will delight and be inspired with the beautiful photographs of her talent.
THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOT SPONSORED. It’s my way of thanking you, my reader. I want to wish you GOOD LUCK because I love ya tons!!
Finding Fabulous Book Giveaway!
NOTE: Winner will be contacted by email. If a winner does not respond within three days of being contacted, another winner will be selected.
dvd Interior Design : New York, and Connecticut based interior designer, Deborah von Donop, tackles challenging home design dilemmas. Deborah redesigns spaces that are sophisticated and stylish. A sparse loft living room becomes warm and inviting, a family room with dated furniture comes together, a cluttered basement becomes Mom's getaway space.
Click here to learn more about working with Deborah