WELL DESIGNED BUSINESS PODCAST : We Talk Visibility for your Business and Making Money Online


Exciting News! I was interviewed by LuAnn Nigara on her PODCAST, "A Well Designed Business."

Design Biz:  I was honored to speak at the Design Influencers Conference on creating income online.  Today I spoke with Luann on the well Designed Podcast, about my presentation and why Interior Designers need to consider multiple income streams witโ€ฆ

Design Biz:

I met Luann at the Design Influencers Conference, where I was presenting

PART 1 of my series on Creating Income Online.

Today she invited me onto her podcast, the โ€œWell Designed Podcastโ€, and we dug into my presentation on Word of Mouth Marketing, and why Interior Designers need to consider marketing and creating multiple income streams with this marketing in a volatile industry. YES< You need to consider your MARKETING plan as a potential income stream.

WHAT? Deborah, do you mean that instead of constantly spending, my marketing can help make me money? YES, it can.

14 Ways for Content Creators to Make (More) Money in 2023:

  1. Online Teaching.

  2. Consulting.

  3. Selling Exclusive Content.

  4. Subscriptions.

  5. Selling Art.

  6. Selling Merch.

  7. Selling Stock Photos.

  8. Branded Sponsorships.

  9. etc,.

update: ( Here is a recap of my presentation in 2019 (PART 2 of my series on Creating Income Online )

a-well-designed-business-podcast-luann-nigara-inteior-design-podcast-dvd-interior-design-connecticut-designerDeborah Von Donop: Understanding Why and How to Monetize Your Interior ... to find out what Deborah has to share about upping your game in social media-Visibility-Package- DvD Interior Design Media

This chat: PODCAST #322 Understanding Why and How to Monetize Your Site (PART 1 of my series)

I'm excited to announce that  DVD Interior Design was interviewed by Author and Podcast Host, LuAnn Nigara of  A WELL DESIGNED BUSINESS, a national podcast for Designers with the inside scoop for Design Businesses. We chatted about branding your business through social media and making money online. A Well-Designed Business podcast is an investment in yourself and your business.  Every week she speaks to interesting Designers and voices from the Industry who share an inside look into their businesses. 

Please listen if you are interested in:

  • How the online marketing space has really widened Deborahโ€™s opportunities.

  • How Deborah is now applying her experience from her blog, over the last few years, to her interior design business.

  • Making a Plan to make money online through your website.

  • Three good places to start with monetizing your blog.

  • Creating income from Sponsored Posts and how to find them.

  • How do Bloggers / Influencers make most of their money?

  • You're ready to start incorporating monetizing methods into your site.

  • Getting your blog to the point where you can monetize it

  • How much traffic you need to be a successful affiliate marketer.

  • The benefits of using evergreen content in your blog.

  • Creating income through sponsored content.

  • Why you have to be really passionate about blogging to make it.

In the world of Podcasts, I have been a fan and a  listener to Luann's podcast since its inception in 2015. Luann,the host of the A Well-Designed Business podcast, is an author, speaker, and business coach โ€” as well as a mom, wife, and friend.

I love listening in each week as she interviews and chats with industry experts in a personal manner along with inquiries into how they operate, think and choose the paths that they have. She speaks with interesting people in Design Industry weekly, offering nuggets of valuable information on her show.  Each session is full of relevant details and tips for running a design business. I am honored to have been featured!

#322: Deborah Von Donop: Understanding Why and How to Monetize Your Interior Design Blog

Welcome to today's episode! On the show today we are going to be having an in-depth conversation with Deborah Von Donop, an interior designer, and well-known blogger. We will be talking to Deborah about monetizing your blog and also about how and why..

You can listen here

I hope you enjoyed listening!  Did you learn anything new? 

If you would like to read more about Advertising on your site, we have a Design Influencers Conference recap and a list of networks (Here)

More about my Visibilty Package:

In today's world being a talented interior designer isn't enough to ensure that you have a profitable and successful business. Design school curricula don't always equip you with the business skills to have your interior design business be everything you imagined it would be!

That where working with someone with experience in building your business online can help.

If you would like to learn more about business visibility click here, if you would like to email me through to schedule a call about a " Visibility Package" for you, click here

TO LEARN MORE: about our "Visibility Package" for your business, visit our page about helping you with your "BRAND EVENT ".

I hope you enjoyed this feature and now have an action plan to create additional income from your website. Have a great day, and thank you for stopping by. 



THE RECAP: Our latest Events to remember: Design Bloggers Tour to High Point Market, and our attendance and presentation at the Design Influencers Conference in March. Click here to more: Design Influencers Conference  

MEANWHILE, in LA we visited DWELL on DESIGN at the LA Convention Center. The design fair on the west coast gathers architects and designers with industry tastemakers for a sensory experience in Los Angeles. A magnet for architecture and design professionals working in residential, contract, and hospitality design, alongside design enthusiasts.  Read more about what we saw and found interesting (here)

Not HAPPENING: New Yorkโ€™s Architectural Digest Home Show, at the Javitz Center.  (COVID)

you can check out our highlights from last year. I was inspired by the material and ethically manufactured products and businesses.  See more (here) 

THE WEEK AHEAD Anticipation is in the air with Fatherโ€™s Day approaching in a few days.  For those of you interested in a few suggestions for gifts, I am sharing some of my favorites from around the Inter-Web.  Click here to see my favorites:  GIFTS 


A Well Designed Business Podcast: We Talk Visibility for your Business and Making Money Online