Customiziable DIY templates for
interior designers’
do this for design contracts
Customizable DIY agreement Templates for interior designers
We’ve created for you the essential documents you need to protect your business and get your legal handled so you can spend your time doing what you do best.
Handling the Legal for Your Business Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated
Let’s face it — dealing with your legal and administrative needs isn’t the most exciting part of the business. However, handling things now so they don’t become a problem later means your business has a solid foundation for the future.
Avoidance isn’t a business strategy.
No matter what stage your business is in, it does have legal needs that can’t be ignored. We understand that time and money are always a concern, so having the option to do it yourself can make all the difference when it comes to just getting it done quickly and correctly.
That’s why we’re offering templates customized to the distinct needs of your business including:
Client Questionaire
Letter of Agreement ( le’s get to know each other)
Contract: Flat Rate
Contract: Flat Rate combined with Purchasing Fees.
These templates are designed for interior designers at all stages of business .
client questionnaire
If you offer services as a designer you want to ensure that you get an agreement in writing before you start sharing ideas, plans, and time. This template helps you discuss and clearly defines the scope of work including payment terms, and timeline, and allows you to filter out potential conflicts before they happen.
Best Contracts and letters of agreements
Contracts for interior design partnerships can be one of the trickiest things to navigate as an designer. I’m sharing 4 types of Contracts to help make it easy to outlining deliverables, due dates, payment arrangements, intellectual property rights, and so much more, to help you create successful projects and build lasting partnerships with your clients,
kitchen design agreement
Whether you are providing design services only, or design plus custom cabinetry construction and installation, you will need to provide a contract that is different than those used for interior design. I have used these contracts while working with established firms that have created agreements that will work for you., whether a large or small firm.
mood board applications for better sales
Get inspired: We have over 15 mood board creation tools for you. The purpose of a mood board is to act as a visual tool for talking to clients about concepts, branding your business, or reviewing color and the primary impression of your lifestyle to create ideas for your home. Picking out and curating images can help you find and learn more about your style preferences..
FACT: As an interior designer, you DO have legal and administrative needs — even at the very beginning — and ignoring them won’t make them go away.
Running a business as an interior designer means you need a protection and conflict resolution strategy that includes legal. But you don’t need to figure it out alone!
These templates were created by a lawyer and blogger who KNOWS the influencer marketing business and left the practice of law to work full-time in the influencer marketing industry. Businessese gives you the tools you need so that you can focus on the things you love instead of getting bogged down in the details.
Consider these simple-to-use DIY Contract / Agreement templates at a rate you can afford.
Wondering if Businessese templates are right for you, but have some questions?
We have answers!
If I buy a template, how soon can I start using it? With Business templates, you get immediate access, so you can start taking care of business today. You’ll receive a document with the most popular templates, and you’ll be able to reuse them as many times as you need.
(You will not, however, be able to share it with others. Sorry.)
If I don’t like the template, can I get a refund? All Businessese templates are non-refundable.
If I have questions about my template, who can I contact? I am always happy to help (and hear your feedback), so if you have any questions, you can send them a note at dvd2design@gmail.
The Easiest Way to Protect Yourself & Your Business
Customizable, simple-to-use legal templates designed for interior designers in all stages and roles of business.
Letter of Agreement| Retainer | Interior Design Services Contract: Flat fee | Hourly | Bundle